Archive for February 2010

Hate your Parents?

February 25, 2010


As posted on CNN, Larry King Live



 February 24th, 2010 4:27 pm ET

For Doncolecartoons, In my bible, Jesus said that if I am a heathen or disagree with his principle, I am already committed to the everlasting fires of hell.
He also says we must hate our parents if they are heathens, also.
This appears to me that this Jesus is trying to start another earthly religion that separates people and families even more than they naturally are. The Islam religion divides us also by commanding that you cut off the heads of those that will not conform to Mohammed’s teachings. Can you see some weird nonsense in the religious teachings above? They talk about love as if hatred is a part of it, and even more intense than life would be if no religions at all. There is nothing heavenly in religions. Religions are man-made, and so are morals. The only thing divine is in our dreams. True Love, Armand



Donald Cole, Dover NJ
February 25th, 2010 12:37 am ET 

Back to Armand, Hmm… How can I answer all that in just a few words? First of all, I am an advocate for truth, not religions. My take on what you have written here, is that you have very little knowledge about the Bible, and Jesus Christ; and that you are completely off track in the thoughts you have presented here. Of course, for me to just say that, means nothing unless I provide substance, which I will be delighted to do –especially on a public and open forum where I can reach out to more than one person at a time. Often it takes a complete article, in length, to effectively and rationally try to answer a given issue. About your statement, “we must hate our parents if they are heathens,” read Matthew 10:32-39.
The Lord does not require us to love these less, but him more. Love for him must become the dominant principle of life.
If you are looking at Luke 14:26 “hate his father;” –this is a vivid hyperbole, meaning that one must love Jesus even more than one’s immediate family. In order to correctly understand the Bible, one must know how to use it, and to consider all that is written about any given subject, and all other rational aspects. –dc

About “Harvard’s Crisis of Faith,” as published in Newsweek

February 17, 2010

Following, is my post, as published on the Newsweek web-site, 2/19/2010,  4:05:25 pm.  The original Article, appears in the current issue of  Newsweek, dated Feb. 22, 2010.

“Steven Pinker, the (Harvard) evolutionary psychologist, …. argued that the primary goal of a Harvard education is the pursuit of truth through rational inquiry, and that religion has no place in that.” (An oxymoron?) Harvard or not, –this seems to me to be a very dumb thing to say! Common sense fact 1: Good science and good theology -truth– cannot be at odds or enemies with one another. So; why is it wrong to pursue truth? Common sense fact 2.: All faiths and religions cannot be truthfully correct, because they do not all teach and believe the same thing. So, what is wrong in sorting out truth, from non-truths, or from that which has no rational thinking, good history, basis for authority, or scientific agreement? We need to get scientist, ex-atheist, John N. Clayton to teach the professors and students at Harvard a thing or two.     –Don Cole, Dover NJ