Archive for the ‘Waterbed Factory Man’ category

2011 in review

January 1, 2012

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,000 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 17 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Root of the Problem, –by Don Cole

January 27, 2011

Ref:   “Painting Islam with broad strokes is unfair”
   –a  DR Article by Bob Ingle,  POLITICS PATROL,  published Jan 27, 2011

“There certainly are militant followers of Islam just like there are militant Jews and militant Christians, but to paint all members of a group with a broad brush is unfair and not what we stand for in this country.”

I see this thought reiterated over and over again, but no one ever seems to address the heart of the situation. We need to go to the root of the problem. The problem –that frightens people– is the violence, and the Sharia Law, that the Quran itself actually teaches. The Quran is not akin to the teachings of American principles and freedoms that we cherish, or to Christianity, Judaism, or other peaceful religions. Many try to justify violence in the Quran by equating it with violence in the Bible Old Testament. We need to study the Bible, and also the Quran, –and all the history thereof. I believe that if someone says that he or she is a Muslim, –then that means their true loyalty goes to their own holy book, as to what I read in the Quran, no matter how they might appear to be or act otherwise.

More food for thought:  Tell me, what is a “militant Jew or Christian” ?  What did Jesus teach?  Compare what Jesus teaches to the teachings of Muhammad.  What is the “armour of God” that Christians are to wear?  What are some logical tests of a true prophet of God?  Can a true prophet of God ever, much less often, be wrong, i.e. things in nature, or in predicting the future, or in things of science, or of accurate and true knowledge beyond the times  they were  written, or from that which  was beyond the common belief of the day that the author lived? 

Instead of burying our head in the sand, –we need to go to the SOURCE itself.  Ask ourselves, ‘What, or where, is
 the AUTHORITY that we base our belief?  Where did it come from, and where and when did it start?  And who started it?
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Myth Man playing Santa Claus, in Waterbed Factory Man comic strip

December 24, 2009

Myth Man plays Santa

December 24, 2009


September 22, 2009

Myth Man, a character in the comic strip Waterbed Factory Man, by Don Cole, 1980.  Brevard County, Florida, published mainly in TODAY Newspaper, some in TV News.

Myth Man, a character in the comic strip Waterbed Factory Man, by Don Cole, 1980. Brevard County, Florida, published mainly in TODAY Newspaper, some in TV News.

Myth Man & Waterbed Factory Man, 1980.  A commercial comic strip by Don Cole.  Published weekly, mainly in TODAY Newspaper (some in TV News), Brevard County, Florida.

This is a commercial comic strip, by Don Cole, but it was picked up from TODAY Newspaper, Brevard County, Florida, and was run for FREE to the Waterbed Factory, just because of the entertainment value.

This is a commercial comic strip, by Don Cole, but it was picked up from TODAY Newspaper, Brevard County, Florida, and was run for FREE to the Waterbed Factory, just because of the entertainment value.

Waterbed Factory Man, comic strip live, by Don Cole, 3-27-1981, Merritt Island, Florida.

Waterbed Factory Man, comic strip live, by Don Cole, 3-27-1981, Merritt Island, Florida.

Waterbed Factory Man helps the Kennedy Space Center NASA Space Schuttle astronauts, contractors and employees SLEEP BETTER and FASTER!

Waterbed Factory Man helps the Kennedy Space Center NASA Space Schuttle astronauts, contractors and employees SLEEP BETTER and FASTER!

Waterbed Factory Man, #27

September 20, 2009

Myth Man is apprehended.

Waterbed Factory Man passes out Discount Coupons, good at the Waterbed Factory Stores, located at Melbourne and at Merritt Island, Florida., 1980.

Waterbed Factory Man passes out Discount Coupons, good at the Waterbed Factory Stores, located at Melbourne and at Merritt Island, Florida., 1980.

Waterbed Factory Man, #26

September 18, 2009

Myth Man poses as Santa Claus

Myth Man, impostor --perveyor of false bedding concepts, poses as Santa Claus.

Myth Man, impostor --perveyor of false bedding concepts, poses as Santa Claus.

Waterbed Factory Man, #25

September 16, 2009

Myth Man is foiled again by Waterbed Factory Man (and Bozo).

Myth Man slips a hard board under his mattress!!

Myth Man slips a hard board under his mattress!!

Waterbed Factory Man, #24

September 15, 2009

Waterbed Factory Man upsets Baby Bear.

Baby Bear is upset because somebody is sleeping on his Tranquillity Mattress from the Waterbed Factory store.

Baby Bear is upset because somebody is sleeping on his Tranquillity Mattress from the Waterbed Factory store.

Waterbed Factory Man, #23a

September 13, 2009

The Waterbed Factory Live Elephant Leak Test Demonstration.  Myth Man says he is ready for a ‘good swim’!

Sleep on a Waterbed Factory Ultimate Floatation System, for the ‘rest’ of your life!

Hey Kids!  Waterbed Factory Man rides a live elephant onto a Waterbed Factory Ultimate Waterbed System, for a Waterbed Factory Leak Test Demonstration!

Hey Kids! Waterbed Factory Man rides a live elephant onto a Waterbed Factory Ultimate Waterbed System, for a Waterbed Factory Leak Test Demonstration!

Free Circus Tickets with the first 100 beds sold!  The Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers Circus is appearing Friday through Sunday at Fields Plaza. (1981)