Posted tagged ‘Flat Taxes’

“Flat Tax” (??)

December 9, 2010

It  amazes me how many people advocate that we go to a “Flat Tax,” in place of our present system. (??)
I am just a dummy in economics, but what on earth are they thinking?

The idea here is that everyone across the board just pays a simple flat tax, such as 15% or 20%, no matter what their income is. The claim is that this would be a lot fairer to all. (??) I don’t get it! Am I from another planet, or what? Well, the Bible does tell me that I am in this world, but not of it, that this earth is not my home. I believe it!

THINK…. If a person is living on Social Security, for instance, had to pay 20% of their income in taxes, –then what percentage of their income goes for basic needs, such as housing, food, medical, transportation, and such? The answer is 100%, or more. Now how much of a billionaire’s income, taxed at 20%, would go to pay for the same basic needs? I say the answer would be so miniscule, it would be but a small drop in a bucket! A poor person has to pay the same amount for a loaf of bread, or a gallon of gas, that a millionaire does. If a rich person is fined for a traffic ticket, or some bank or credit card charge or whatever, he feels practically nothing. If a poor person faces the same penalty, it could very well be the entire cost of a basic need. Rich people love to preach Old Testament tithing, such as 10%, supposedly giving them the freedom to do whatever with the other 90%. A poor person giving 10% of their income may not have enough money to buy groceries for the week.

It amazes me how people want to extract money from the poor, those who can least afford it, while giving more and more to the rich. It is bad enough now, with Obama’s freeze on Social Security, and even Republicans now stopping a proposed mere single payment of $250. for the year to seniors living on Social Security.

But, what do I know? I don’t know anything about economics. Maybe someone who does can explain. I would appreciate it. –dc

(ps: Please bear in mind, that I am talking here about “Flat Tax,” and not complaining for the poor. There are many good government programs to help those in need, and charitable organizations, and wonderful people who care. I thank God for my Social Security, for my home, my family, and country, my faith, and my doctors, the VA, and my auto mechanic. –dc)