Posted tagged ‘hominid’

The ‘Ardi Woman’

October 2, 2009

Re: TIME CNN.    Health & Science
 “Ardi Is a New Piece for the Evolution Puzzle, by Michael D. Lemonick and Andrea Dorfman, Thursday, Oct. 01, 2009.”
Yes. Please bear in mind that this is what it is, — a puzzle, and not a fact!
This evolutionary theory (about the orgins of life?) has always been a puzzle, and I expect always will be a puzzle, because the pieces never really fit the theory. So what do they do about it? –They just keep coming up with new theories–such as evolution happening in ‘spurts’, and now a ‘new type of branch splitting’–anything in order to try and force the directive that humans must have evolved from lower life forms, and are not made any different from the animals; that is, not made later than animals, and in the image of God.
On top of that, they try and tell us that all life is just an accident, and evolves through natural selection from pond scum, or whatever. Maybe this sounds feasable to some trusting souls, but good science does not support it, and I would be happy to debate those who say it does, with evidences of good and rational science.
I am just an ordinary person, no expert or scientist, but I still have the God given ability to THINK. I listen to scientists. I look at the evidences they present. Let all the evidences speak for themselves. We need to seek and share our findings in an honest, questioning, respectable and open manner, –and not be hoodwinked by those with an agenda, able to overwhelm others by an image of supposedly superior intellect and knowledge. I say, show me your finding and facts; –but don’t tell me what to believe. I will look at the evidences themselves, thank you. I will consider the substance provided that backs up your belief. Maybe I will be convinced to change my beliefs by the evidences you show, or maybe I will feel that there is more to debate.
This “puzzle” created by man, in a strenuous attempt to prove mans’ theory that humans did not evolve from humans, but from lower life forms, including chimpanzees and apes. Yet, just listen to their own words, right here in this very article: “It’s clear that humans are not merely a slight modification of chimps, despite their genomic similarity.” Well, DUH !!
Did they ever consider or discuss the possibility that humans might have evolved from their own kind, from humankind, –and not from apekind, birdkind, or fishkind? Why not just let the pieces in the puzzle fall into place naturally, instead of always trying to modify their shapes to fit a preconceived theory of mans’ own making?
Let the pieces speak for themselves, and let them fit naturally where they belong. Let’s just be honest. It’s good to analyze and test, but please do not state, imply, or take for granted that science factually proves that humans evolved from apes and lower life forms, when this theory, after all these years, has still yet to be proven.
The problem is, the puzzle pieces of truth fail to fit the preconceived notions of men.

Take a look. Humans were made in the image of God, not apes. THINK! –What does it take to be human? –dc

The 'missing link' between dogs and humans

The 'missing link' between dogs and humans