Posted tagged ‘The Human Family Tree’

Does our DNA take us back to pond scum?

September 4, 2009

Did humans evolve from lower life forms?
Are children still taught, –as scientific fact– in today’s public schools, the unsubstantiated teaching that humans evolved from apes; and goo from the sea, by way of the zoo; –that is, lower life forms?
 The fact is; this is not a fact, as they teach it is!  It is a theory!
Our educational system should be heralded in truth, not political or religious agendas.
 I could post here a wealth of solid scientific information and facts –censored from our schools?– to back up what I have just written.  However, for the sake of brevity, I will state a current and timely case in point, which inspired me to write this post:
 On August 30, and Sept. 1, 2009; I noticed that the National Geographic TV Channel ran, in prime time, a two hour science program, entitled, “The Human Family Tree.” This was about how using modern day scientific discoveries, scientists are now able to track the DNA signatures of individual people, at random, who are alive today, their family tree all the way back to a single man and woman, or as they called it, –a scientific Adam and Eve. Their research, through DNA studies, prove how we humans are all related to one another.
Science and the Bible are not at odds with one another, like so many people have been taught to believe.  Both science and the Bible validate the reality of evolution, that is changes that evolve within a species. Note, that neither science nor the Bible validate the idea taught to our children, that one kind in nature evolves into another kind, but rather, –that each kind reproduces and evolves from it’s own seed or gender.

 So, I say: –Where are the lower life forms? So I ask; dear public school science teachers, why do our DNA’s not take us back to such as apes and pond scum?  –dc
Humans evolved from lower life forms?

Humans evolved from lower life forms?