Posted tagged ‘Truth’

Govt. Rate of Inflation Formulas; –How many are there?

January 14, 2011

Rate of Inflation Formulas; –How many are there?

The new upcoming Postal Rate Increases are being reported  as justified by a government “Rate of Inflation Formula.”  Just how many “Rate of Inflation Formulas” are there?  One formula for Social Security freezes, and another one  –an honest one– for everybody else?

blog post photo

Bill Cosby; What do you think? …

April 13, 2010

As submitted to tonight’s CNN Larry King Live:

Bill Cosby; What do you think? …

Do you agree, that the problem of teenage suicides in schools needs to be correctly identified in order to be solved?

Bullying, unhappiness, negative peer pressures and such, are not rational excuses for committing suicide! These are the results of the problem, not the heart of it.
Our society reaps what it sows. The first step was in taking God out of our schools.

How about taking it from there, or at least discussing it? …

Donald Cole, Dover NJ

Bill O’Reilly, Pat Robertson was correct about Islam

November 11, 2009

Bill O’Reilly, Pat Robertson was absolutely correct about the Islam ‘religion’.

This is not about people, but about the SOURCE, which is the Qur’an, –which Muslims believe was dictated word for word, from God (Allah),  to their holy prophet Muhammad, to be obeyed by all the world.

Westerners need to read the REAL Qur’an, and not the white-washed version published for the eyes of Westerners. The ‘terrorists’ have always been ‘friendly neighbors’ before showing their hand in Jihad in this country. The term “American Muslims,” is a gross contradiction of beliefs.

Forget about “Political Correctness,” and just lay out the real Qur’an for all to read. This is not about flesh and blood, but about war going on in heavenly places between good and evil.

Jesus Christ is the life, the light that overcomes the darkness.

World for Truth! Truth, not bombs; — is hope and peace everlasting. –dc

 Donald Cole, New Jersey

Welcome back, Mrfun!

October 15, 2009

Mrfun,  Okay, Glad to see you back!  I was intending to answer the other issues, one by one, even if you didn’t return; but it is a lot more rewarding and productive to get good feedback. 

I don’t consider myself to be an “evolution denier.”  I will get back later, when I have more time.  When getting into a discussion about evolution; first we need to explain exactly what we mean by the term “evolution”.  I’ll explain later.  I also will check out the “fundamentalist Christian grandmother letter”, you bring up here.

I suppose you might call me a “fundamentalist Christian,” but that takes some explanation also.  I don’t really label myself anything but  “Christian.”  I am not a Catholic, nor of any protestant denomination.  I identify only with Christ’s church, of the Bible New Testament, which began in 33AD on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. See the book of Acts. 

 A lot of huge  errors go on in the name of “Fundamentalism Christian.”  Preaching a “young earth” (as “the Bible (supposedly) proves, or says”) is only one of many examples of false statements made by many preachers.  It’s really scientists vs. preachers, not science vs. the Bible.

About the Qur’an, the reason I had said, “compare the Bible with the Qur’an,” is because it is  clearly obvious that the Muslim Holy Prophet Muhammad, was not a true prophet or messenger of God, like the Muslim faith proclaims, and who the mature, and also  deceived young,  Muslims are willing, and eager to kill themselves along with as many good and innocent people as they can, who do not accept the  Muslim faith for themselves.  I don’t understand terms, such as ‘Muslim extremists,’ when it is clear that what these Muslims are doing  is simply obeying and  following what is written down for them  in the Qur’an, which Muslims consider to be the precise and exact word of God (Allah) word for word, as dictated to the Muslim Holy Prophet Muhammad.  

 One of the first tests of a true prophet from God, is that the prophet, who speaks for God, is NEVER wrong.  Muhammad was wrong almost all of the time.  Muhammad clearly reflects mans’ ignorance at the time he lived, about science and nature, as in the parts of the Qur’an that you quoted.  And, I can quote you many more.  When I asked a Muslim, in my forum at the Daily Record, about that, –he had no rational answer, other than to deny the validity of science itself. You will not find  untrue like statements in the Bible.  If creation is of God, than certainly God knows His own handiwork.  Remember, the Bible is not written to be a science book, such as proving to man that the earth is a sphere and not flat.  Even though the people at the time thought that the earth was flat, along with all kinds of other false beliefs, the Bible makes no such false statements. The point I meant to make, is that you won’t find  false statements in the Bible, like we find in the Qur’an and other so-called holy books, — that in these modern times everyone, even with the slightest education, clearly can see the obvious ignorance , in so many statements in these early books of men, claimed to be of God.  The Bible is the only book that stands up over the years of time and testing.. 

Some preachers today, claim to be modern day prophets.  These are also false prophets.  (See Hebrews 1:1-2).

Later Gator, –dc

Vantage Point

ARDI Proves What? –What Makes Us Human?

October 12, 2009

 ARDI proves what?

Well, first of all ARDI proves that what has been force fed to our children in public schools for so long now, has been wrong.

In the scientists’ own words, ARDI definitely proves that humans did not evolve from apes or chimpanzees. That is the ‘hard proof’ that they have discovered and proved.
Everything else remains conjecture, speculation and theory.

I don’t know what they are talking about, or referring to for sure, when they say that their ‘hard evidence’ dispels those “fairy tales and myths.”  If they are referring to the Bible Genesis account of creation, I see nothing in their discoveries of ‘hard evidence’ here that would dispute the Genesis account.

What makes us human?

Have they really proven that humans are no different from the animals, and that humans just evolved into what we are today by chance from lower life forms? Is it because we walk uniquely, like ARDI did; –is that really what makes us human? –dc



What Makes Us Human?

We live in an age of incredible technological growth. I can remember when my school system brought me the first small computer that I had ever seen. It was a Commodore and the only language that it knew was BASIC. I learned the language and wrote my own programs for my students because there was no commercial software available. My students were absolutely entranced with this machine that would drill them on factual material that they were supposed to be learning. Writing the programs took hundreds of hours. It took over 15 minutes for the computer to load the programs even though they were very simple, and you could only put one ten question drill in the computer at a time because the memory of the computer was only 10,000 bits. You used a cassette to load each program in. I remember hearing about an “Apple” computer that was going to be so much better, but I doubted I would ever see one in my teaching career.

One day I had my students working on a project on the computers and I noticed one of the young ladies with her back to the computer in what teachers call the “pout position.” She was obviously not a happy camper and was giving me all kinds of body language that indicated she did not like what was going on. “What’s the problem Sandy” I asked. “I hate this” she replied. “What is there to hate?” I asked, “You get a chance to learn without having to listen to me!!” “That’s exactly the point,” she replied “No matter how smart this dumb machine is, it still isn’t human!!” In the years since that incident I have found large numbers of students with the same reaction. In our age of technological advancement and incredible machines, it is important to keep in mind what makes us human.



It is not intelligence that sets man apart. The things that man does that really make him different are not related to his IQ. Retarded people do everything that brilliant people do. Having a son that has a high level of retardation and is living with a group of seven people who share his disabilities, I am in constant contact with people who do not score well on IQ tests. These people are still a joy to be with. The laugh, they cry, they create art, they sing and enjoy music, they appreciate beauty, they feel guilt, they have sympathy, they have a need to feel self worth, they worship God and constantly express a spiritual dimension, and they bring great things into the lives of others in a constantly changing and varied way.

In the animal world, we find animals that have very high intelligence. Whales, porpoises, and some apes have been shown to have high reasoning ability and are able to solve problems. Some researchers have placed the IQs of whales and gorillas in the 90s–which is within the range of normal humans. Anyone who has worked with animals extensively knows that they have very high capabilities and do some amazing things. Animals function primarily through a highly developed application of instinctive drives. These instincts function remarkably as long as the animal is in an environmental situation that matches the design of the instinctive drive. The more scientists study animal behavior, the more they realize just how sophisticated and intricate these instinctive drives are. One of our ecological problems is that when man changes the environment in which the animal has been functioning, the animal has a hard time adjusting to the new environment and is frequently threatened with extinction. There are countless examples of this problem–salmon swimming up dammed or polluted rivers, lemmings running off cliffs where land bridges used to be, birds unsuccessfully laying eggs in places where trees used to be, whales beaching in places where man has altered the shoreline or the magnetic pattern of the earth, etc.



One response to this discussion would be to say that humans acquire their humanness through socialization and the conditions under which they grow up. The argument is that we learn to be humans by having all the things it takes to be a human forced on us by our parents and other adults and peers through our childhood. There is no question that we learn a lot but most of those things are not what makes us unique as humans. They are mechanical things or methods that really do not have much to do with our humanness.

There have been numerous studies conducted with animals that are raised in human environments, beginning with Dr. Kellog’s studies of a chimpanzee raised with his son in a controlled environment in which both babies were given the same love, attention, stimulation, and learning opportunities. All of these studies have shown that animals raised in human conditions do not become human. The animal may learn to do some things that humans do–such as make desired responses to stimuli by entering the appropriate data into a computer; but those things that set man apart–like creativity, the ability to be taught to think, language (not communication), worship and the conceptualization of God, guilt, sympathy and compassion–do not appear in any degree. There have been numerous stories of feral children who were supposedly raised by animals, but sensationalism and lack of serious study make the claims of those who promote these cases difficult to use.



Another proposal that has been made is that man is unique because of his brain. The argument here is that man is an animal that has evolved more completely than other life forms, and all of our unique characteristics are a function of that biological evolution. There are numerous problems with this viewpoint. First of all it needs to be pointed out that man’s brain is not that unique. Animals like whales have brains that are considerably larger than ours. Some scientists studying the human brain have attempted to make arguments for evolution based upon the fact that other animals share brain characteristics with man. From a strictly mechanical viewpoint, the human brain has too many characteristics in common with other animals for it to be viewed as radically different and unique.

Those attempting to make arguments from an evolutionary standpoint are faced with another dilemma–the characteristics that make humans unique are not survival issues. Man’s ability to create art or to worship God are not factors that natural selection can work on to guarantee survival or predict extinction. In fact if anything, these characteristics are likely to cause the death of an individual and prevent the proliferation of his or her genes. Sociobiology finds no solace in the evidence that is available from the human brain.



There is a uniqueness to man that is not rooted in his intelligence, his brain, his training, or his environment. This uniqueness is seen in all of us–the genius and the severely retarded. No culture, race, educational level, IQ, or age dictates these characteristics. The one thing that does offer an explanation is the spiritual dimension of man.

The Bible tells us that man was created in the image of God. The image that is conveyed can not be a physical image or we would all look alike physically, which we clearly do not. The image that is being discussed is man’s spiritual image. Man possesses a spiritual dimension the Bible calls the soul. Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both the body and soul in hell.” The Bible also refers to spirit in a wide range of applications including some reference to animals. It is clear from the Bible, that man possesses three entities. 1 Thessalonians states it well when the writer says: “…I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

To understand the three parts of man–body, soul and spirit–let us make a comparison to an automobile. I have a car which has a body. The body is physical and is made from the elements found in the crust of the earth. The body of my car will eventually return to the material from which it came. The car also has spirit. The thing that makes the car actually move is the fuel that is put into the gas tank. The fuel is the energy which makes the car able to function. These two components together will not make the car run in a satisfactory manner. With just these two working the car has no direction and is likely to cause destruction. There has to be a component which decides what the car will be used for, whether it will be driven responsibly, and how the other parts of the car are cared for.

The analogy breaks down of course, but it is not far off from our own make up. In the biblical language there are times when spirit and soul are used in ways that are not obvious mainly because of translation problems. The basics are still there and are very clear. We have a body which is dust and will return to dust. We also breath which is the basis of the energy that drives the biological machine. These two components we share with the animal world around us, and we are no different than a dog or a cat in these areas. Our soul is the spiritual component that decides how our bodies and how our energies will be used.

What makes us human is this spiritual make up. It enables us to create art and music. If gives us the capacity and desire to worship and to love in a self sacrificing way. It provides us with the ability to feel guilt, sympathy, compassion, and to be able to put others first. It is this spiritual component that enables us to relate to God and to be able to be influenced by God. Looking to this higher power that works through our spiritual make up gives us the ability to overcome drugs, destructive sexual behaviors, alcohol, pride, greed, selfishness, and all the other things that bring misery to life. We do not believe in our spiritual makeup because it is a religious tradition that has been forced upon us; we believe it because every shred of available evidence points to it and because the things that happen in life demonstrate that animal solutions do not work on problems that are spiritual in nature.

–John N. Clayton


Joe's Worm Farm, --Free Delivery!

Joe's Worm Farm, --Free Delivery!



Ronald Lindsey playing Devil’s Advocate?

October 1, 2009

  • DonColeCartoons DonColeCartoons
  • added 7 minutes ago,  on
  • I am all for freedom of speech and good debate; but this needs to be done with substance and respect. What is the bottom line to doing otherwise? All that is accomplished is to tear at one another, destroy, run down, and promote a senseless mob mentality. Who will listen to who? It seems that Ronald Lindsey is playing Devil’s advocate here. Everyone should be concerned for truth. Truth is our nation’s only hope, and hope for the world. There are some good points made, so why bury them in garbage only to be thrown out? –dc

Yes; Richard, –There IS a God!

September 30, 2009

Jon, (and Richard Dawkins),
Absolutely: –there is a book you can read!
There really IS a God!

“Creation–Eternal Design or Infinite Accident? ‘The SOURCE,’ by JOHN CLAYTON, and Nils Jansma,
HOWARD Publishing Co., ISBN 1-878990-89-6. Science and Faith/Faith

I am presenting here, following, the copy from the paper leaf cover of this hard-cover book:

Is it really possible to reconcile the facts of science and the biblical teachings of creation?

Not only is it possible, but the book you hold in your hands shows that good science is not an enemy of faith in God. In fact, the God of the Bible invites us to learn about him through his creation. The evidence in this book shows that the intellectual position of the believer is more rational and better supported scientifically than that of the atheist.

In addition to special-subject appendixes and illustrations to simplify important concepts, you’ll read chapters like:

     * The Cosmos and the Creation
     * Let the Earth Speak
     * Ask the Animals
     * What is Man?
     * The Nature of God
     * God’s Permission of Evil

After reading this book, you will see that only one conclusion can be reached: God is real, and He is the God of the Bible.

JOHN CLAYTON, is a scientist and former second-generation atheist, came to believe in God while attempting to prove that the Bible contradicts known scientific facts. Instead of disproving the Bible, he found it to be absolutely reliable. An award-winning science teacher, popularly recognized by the American Association of Physics Teachers and the National Association of Geology Teachers, Clayton has earned national prominence for his knowledge and skill in dealing with matters of faith and science. Today, Clayton travels the United States, speaking to university and church audiences some forty times a year, answering the question “Does God Exist?”

NILS JANSMA, is a practicing engineer working in San Diego, California. He has a master’s degree in both science and geotechnical engineering. At present he is enrolled in a Christian apologetics Ph.D. program.

What is the orgin of the world and of life itself?

* Did a series of ACCIDENTS and evolution bring about the world as we know it?
Or is there a design and PURPOSE behind it all?

*And if there is a design, is there an ultimate DESIGNER?

A number of years ago, John Clayton, a second-generation atheist and respected acientist and teacher, set out to disprove the Bible from a scientific point of view. Instead, his six-year study brought him to a profound faith in the God of the Bible.

Now, in this highly informative and easy to understand book, John Clayton and Nils Jansma–a geotechnical engineer and geologist–present convincing evidence that the Bible and the facts of science agree. As the public moves away from a belief in God as Creator of our heaven and earth, it becomes imperative that all believers be well informed on the vital subject. This book will become a resource you will use again and again.

“With unfailing intellectual honesty, John Clayton pierces the clouds of tradition that obscure what the Bible actually says, showing that what it says agrees with rigorous scientific facts. In The Source he shows that good Bible study and good science do not conflict. Based on his own studies, he changed from a militant atheist to a believer in the God who reveals Himself in the Bible.”
—Robert H. Towell Sr.
Consultant to Department of Energy on Transportation of Radioactive Materials.

“Clayton has the ability to describe complex scientific data and principles in ways that both educate and stimulate an open mind to rethink conventional wisdom. He then postulates an explanation that genuinely makes sense of the many unique and mysterious attributes of our world.”
—Danny C. Rich, Manager of Research: Datacolor International

“John Clayton is the best scientist I know at presenting the case for science and faith. Every Christian needs this information, in specific scientific form, as a ready resource. This book provides this much-needed help.”
—Dr. Carl Brecheen, Professor of Bible; Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Tesas.

“John Clayton is a man who pursues truth in both science and religious faith in an unusually insightful and gifted way. In my view, his ability to educate and challenge in fair, understandable, and honest ways is unmatched.”
—Richard Lee Brown, Management Consultant, Registered Professional Engineer.

In conclusion here; I will admit that I have not yet read all of Richard Dawkins’, renouned atheist, entire new book. I am familiar with his earlier books. However; I do highly respect what renouned scientist and ex-atheist John Clayton has to say about Richard Dawkins writings, along with other scientists and experts in their fields. I claim to be no expert myself, but I do have the God given ability to THINK. I am not a scientist, but I listen to scientists. I look at and consider all the evidences. Bring on your evidences, that support your faith, and let us have a look.  –dc

(John Clayton’s web-site:

Evolution: Ant Sue

Flip a coin 1,000 times to see if prayer really works?

September 13, 2009

  Flip a coin 1,000 times to see if prayer really works?

 This is in regards to today’s DR Letter to the Editor, entitled: ” DOES PRAYER REALLY WORK? Let’s flip a coin and find out.” by James Trotman, Morristown.

 Well, I do say that this gets my head gears turning. Maybe this method sounds logical to an unbeliever, but the idea of Chief Justice John Roberts flipping a coin 1,000 times while the devout of all faiths pray for “heads,” shows a big misunderstanding about prayer and faith. Who or what are you praying to?, –the air? Do we think creation came to be, and is held together, by chance? Do we believe that man can make a mockery of God?

If a person, or group, is going to pray to God; than I would suggest that a prerequisite might be, is to first get to know God. What is the nature of God? How does God work? How does God think? How does God hear and answer prayer? “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).
With over 15,000 references to God, the Bible is the best book to read to find out about him.

 Does prayer have anything to do with faith?
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6).

 Now, the second point in this letter To the Editor, talks about the separation of church and state according to our Constitution.

 It is obvious and clear, that our forefathers were writing about separation of church and state. They were not writing about separation of God and state. To think otherwise, is to deny all the many and overwhelming evidences adorning our federal buildings, currency, and monuments, along with the practice of prayer in the schools and federal buildings at that time.
When determining truth, is it not rational, logical and honest, and indeed correct and righteous to look at the examples of the interpretations applied by the very authors who wrote our Constitution? To ignore the examples set down by our forefathers is nothing more than a blatant disregard for truth. Our forefathers would be ‘rolling over in their graves’, so to speak.  –dc

 blog post photo

Myth Man, Mock Santa

 Myth Man, the Spoiler; knows not.
Myth Man Exposed, Truth Prevails





Lowering the gavel…

September 10, 2009

As submitted to the CNN  Larry King Live blog

September 10th, 2009 1:48 am ET

September 11th, 2009 10:52 pm ET  (Rewritten and accepted by CNN Larry King Live blog post.)

Reply to Roi,
I stand by what I said. Again; this is not a debate about whether or not police brutality exists or not. So, why do you keep saying I will never understand? Yes!, –I understand police brutality exists.

This is no reason to throw all rationality to the wind, blaming everything that goes wrong on race. Black or white, we all end up being falsely accused or judged at one time or another. If we work at pleasing God, rather than man; that hurt or burden on our shoulders will be lifted, –knowing that our maker, God knows and understands all, even if nobody else does.

True justice wears a blindfold. How did the policeman mishandle the situation? You seem to be saying that the policeman should have known all the facts, and what was going on, before even arriving on the scene. What would have been the right way to handle the situation, according to you? Would you have knocked on the door timedly and wait to see if you were going to be stabbed or shot, or the intruders flee?

As far as the police officer having “lied,” this is a weak attempt to try to make the professor blameless. Obviously, this was an innocent mistake in a small and unimportant detail by the police officer in his recollection of a fast moving and a potentially lethal and dangerous event.. Why would he ”lie” about that? What difference does it make? This accusation is nothing more than a smoke screen. it is obvious here, that you are pitting race against race, rather than just looking rationally and clearly at the situation. It should not matter, who is black or who is white.

The police officer should be commended. The professor should stand up like a man and apologize for his wrongs. It would have made no difference if the professor was white, and the policeman had been black. But, I do believe that in your case, if this had been such, –you would still be saying that the white man was in the wrong, and the black man was in the right.

From what I see in such carryings on, it appears that blacks are often, or even more racist than whites, in these modern times, such as the likes of Al Sharpton, or Jerimah Wright. This kind of racial hatred, black or white, only sets our country back in time, and not forward. Drop your pride, and think about it. The gospel of Jesus Christ says it all. Again, the point here is this has nothing to do with who is black or who is white. Many of my friends and Christian brothers are black. Color or race is not an issue in every case.

Do you have any white friends? If not, –why not? Why not try to make this world a better place, rather than trying to tear it down? Why not get rid of the baggage, and walk towards the light. You will feel a lot better. No one is perfect in him or her own self. If you choose to harbor vengeance, hatred and racism for all the wrongs in the world, it will only hold you down, from within. The world would be at peace, if it listened to Jesus. Best to you, –dc

Cracking this case; lowering the gavel!

Cracking this case; lowering the gavel!

Does our DNA take us back to pond scum?

September 4, 2009

Did humans evolve from lower life forms?
Are children still taught, –as scientific fact– in today’s public schools, the unsubstantiated teaching that humans evolved from apes; and goo from the sea, by way of the zoo; –that is, lower life forms?
 The fact is; this is not a fact, as they teach it is!  It is a theory!
Our educational system should be heralded in truth, not political or religious agendas.
 I could post here a wealth of solid scientific information and facts –censored from our schools?– to back up what I have just written.  However, for the sake of brevity, I will state a current and timely case in point, which inspired me to write this post:
 On August 30, and Sept. 1, 2009; I noticed that the National Geographic TV Channel ran, in prime time, a two hour science program, entitled, “The Human Family Tree.” This was about how using modern day scientific discoveries, scientists are now able to track the DNA signatures of individual people, at random, who are alive today, their family tree all the way back to a single man and woman, or as they called it, –a scientific Adam and Eve. Their research, through DNA studies, prove how we humans are all related to one another.
Science and the Bible are not at odds with one another, like so many people have been taught to believe.  Both science and the Bible validate the reality of evolution, that is changes that evolve within a species. Note, that neither science nor the Bible validate the idea taught to our children, that one kind in nature evolves into another kind, but rather, –that each kind reproduces and evolves from it’s own seed or gender.

 So, I say: –Where are the lower life forms? So I ask; dear public school science teachers, why do our DNA’s not take us back to such as apes and pond scum?  –dc
Humans evolved from lower life forms?

Humans evolved from lower life forms?